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the Written Word

Don't doubt yourself, you read correctly. We're exploring as much of the artistic spectrum as we can. Literature is up next. 

We're working on a literary magazine. It'll be a quarterly one, most likely, until we are able to expand. Ideally, we'd like to publish new stuff every week. But that's down the line a ways.

In the meantime, we're accepting submissions. First issue has no theme, just send us the best you've got. We will be accepting:

-Short fiction (up to 5000 words)

-Flash fiction (keep it less than 500)

-Poetry (up to 5 poems per submission)

-Experimental (if it's good, send it)

Submissions can be sent to with the subject ""Literature Submission".

You can paste into the email or attach a file.

We'll figure it out. 

Simultaneous subs are fine, just let us know if it gets published elsewhere.

First timers, don't hesitate. Take the plunge.

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